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REBUTTAL: Insurance Business America

                                   7807 E Peakview Ave #115

                                   Englewood, CO 80111





Insurance Business America

7807 E Peakview Ave #115

Englewood, CO 80111


Rebuttal: “Insurance agent indicted over murder-for-hire insurance fraud,”




An article was written by Lyle Adriano, July 6, 2018, entitled; “Insurance agent indicted over murder-for-hire insurance fraud,” is bursting with innuendo, out-and-out lies, propaganda, and uses race not only to convict the accused but also to endorse discrimination and racism. The journalist begins his indictment of Charles Mercier an insurance agent of Augusta, Georgia and Mark Buckland and Virginia Buckland, of Texas by using information from another article written for another publication, advancing not the truth, but lies. By refusing to do his research, the journalist disregards professionalism and the need for certainty in favor of free time, be damned the innocent. The reprinting of such lies places an indelible mark on your publication's reputation that can only be removed by answering this crime against humanity with atonement and truth.


“Mercier is a member of the Irish Travelers, who live in Murphy Village,” a false accusation to encourage the condemnation of an unimportant ethnic minority. Reminiscent of times past that brought enduring shame on those who promoted atrocities inflicted on the victim and devotion to the belief of the superior race. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party who condemned the Jewish race, the Southern plantation owner who chained and whipped his African property into a grotesque pile of flesh, and the Native-Americans drove from their encampments, the men and children slaughtered, and the women raped. History is overwhelmed with examples of the innocent being called savages and the barbarians called Christians. Charles Mercier does not live in Augusta, Georgia; he lives in North Augusta, South Carolina. He does not live in Murphy Village and is not an Irish Traveller. To knowingly republish deception and lies to promote sensationalism, readership to increase revenue ensures the decline of a respected publication to a discredited tabloid.


The victim was murdered by Bernard Gorman and his son and namesake “Little Joe” Gorman who are Irish-American Travellers and live in Houston, Texas, not Murphy Village, South Carolina. Is it justice to indict all African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, or Native-Americans regardless of the offense because of a crime committed by two? If the answer is no, can anyone justify the condemnation of the insignificant ethnic minority known as the Irish-American Travellers for the offense of two individuals? The media consistently condemns President Trump’s accusations against Hispanic's yet endorsed the same tactics when used against American-Irish Travellers. An act of patriotism by a journalist, or racism, condemned by the publisher, or condoned as evidenced by its publication? Would any respected publication encourage the indictment of an ethnic minority? Insurance companies promote life insurance policies daily using the US mail, radio, and television commercials. Families are encouraged by these promotions to purchase policies to provide financial support for loved ones. Is it a crime to insure parents and grandparents, and if it is a crime is the insurance company equally guilty for insuring such individuals? Does the act become a crime only when the insured is an Irish-American Traveller?


I ask that you consider my rebuttal for publication and acknowledge that all stories must be researched before being published. I await your response to my request with skepticism. I will publish this response on my website I hope there is room in the Insurance Business America publication for a truth.



Respectfully Submitted;



Mike J. Carroll, American-Irish Traveller
















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